About Physiatry


About Physiatry

Physiatrists are specialists in the diagnosis and non-surgical treatment of major areas of medical care. Diagnosis and treatment of physical impairments or disabilities which include but are not limited to:

Electrodiagnostic medicine

Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation is the only specialty of medicine in which special training in electromyography (EMG) and nerve conduction studies is required. These procedures are used for evaluation of various neurologic disorders.

Rehabilitation of patients with severe impairments

The physiatrist directs a comprehensive rehabilitation team of professionals that may include physical therapists, occupational therapists, recreational therapists, rehabilitation nurses, psychologists, social workers, speech-language, vocational counselors, pathologists and others. Physiatrists treat neurologic rehabilitation conditions including stroke, brain injury, and spinal cord injury. Many other disabling conditions such as amputations, multiple trauma, burns and sports injuries are treated as well.

What is the physiatrist’s role in treatment?

Physiatrists direct a comprehensive rehabilitation team of professionals that may include physical therapists, occupational therapists, recreational therapists, rehabilitation nurses, psychologists, social workers, vocational counsel, orthotist, prosthotists and others.

For more information about physiatry, physical rehabilitation medicine, medical conditions or to setup an appointment, contact Stan Mathew, MD.

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